Examine the appropriate intervention skills to respond to emergencies such as recognition, access, assessment and management until more advanced personnel arrives. Identify and successfully demonstrate the components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automatic defibrillator device (AED) and advanced first aid by a first responder. Successful completion of the course prepares students to take the Red Cross certification exam. Lab fee $35. Note: Credit is not given for both EMT 104 and HEA 150.
Term: Spring 2025
Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits
Section: 001
Ways to take the class: Face-to-face
Days: TTH
Time: 9:30AM to 10:45AM
Start Date: 01/23/2025
End Date: 05/18/2025
Location: Arnold Campus
Room: GYM 102
David S Jenkins Gymnasium
Instructor: Kaycee L Rump (Subject to change)
Class Size: 20 - Only a few seats left!
General Education Requirement: Wellness