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EET-260 Electronic Comm Systems

Learn the technologies and concepts used in current day electronic communication circuits and systems. Explore AM/FM modulation, digital data transmission, signal transmission and reception, wired and wireless communications, satellites, networking and their supporting infrastructures. Demonstrate comprehension through hands-on labs while utilizing various electronic troubleshooting and analytic tools. Lab fee $25. Prerequisite: EET 130.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 4 Credits

Section: 400

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: TH

Time: 5:30PM to 9:20PM

Start Date: 01/23/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: CALT 309 Building:
Center for Applied Learning and Technology

Instructor: James J Sherman (Subject to change)

Class Size: 20