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EDU-263 Literacy in Content Area II

Examine literacy in the present day with an emphasis on the methods to develop literacy in adolescent learners. Examine, use, and evaluate a wide range of strategies and approaches to literacy instruction. Identify literacy tasks and assessment of those tasks to promote a better understanding of disciplinary content. Develop professional dispositions for collaboration and leadership in order to work effectively with students, families, schools, and communities of varied linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Prerequisite: A Bachelor's degree and seeking teacher certification or permission from department chair. Note: EDU 263 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 200

Ways to take the class: Online

Start Date: 01/22/2025

End Date: 03/16/2025

Location: Online

Room: TBA

Instructor: Amy J McKusky (Subject to change)

Class Size: 25